Find your way

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Searching your way in life isn’t always that easy. Luckely finding your way on a map is very easy these days.

Don’t know where you are? Don’t know where to go? Use these tools to find your way:

Google Maps
Google Maps

Most famous for finding your way is Google Maps.

Bing Maps
Bing Maps

Alternative to Google Maps is Bing Maps.

Open Street Map
Open Street Map (OSM)

Most people working on the same map? Then you have to look at the Open Street Map.


Not a wikipedia, but a wikimapia.

Topomap viewer
Topomap viewer

High and low? Belgium is mostly flat. You can check it with this Topomap viewer.

Zoom Earth
Zoom Earth

Find your storm with Zoom Earth.


How far can you go? Find it out with the Oalley map.


Wich plane is flying above your head? You can find it out with Flightrader24.

Marine Traffic
Marine Traffic

Skipper, Can I Cross, Yes or No? Check the boats on the sea with Marine Traffic.

Geofabrik Tools
Geofabrik Tools Map Compare

Not sure wich map to use? Compare maps with Geofabrik MC.


Replay your route with ayvri.


Those who search, will find! Have some fun with Geocaching.

[featured image] The Ferraris maps are the first systematic, large scale mapping in Belgium and Western Europe.

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